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Explore Life with the Racine Dominicans ...

Become a Sister

Racine Dominicans seek to live vibrant lives by

  • deepening our relationship with God
  • fostering right relationships with people
  • restoring wholeness to the earth

We are women commited to truth and compelled to justice who serve by our presence and ministry in areas of education, pastoral and retreat ministries, spiritual guidance, health care, and social outreach. We stand in solidarity with people who are oppressed and alienated by unjust systems. 

If you are interested in learning more about becoming a sister, check out the following pages:

Who can become a sister  

A day in the life of a sister  

The process


Meet some of our sisters


Consider the call of
Catherine of Siena

Catherine of Siena, honored among the Doctors of the Church since 1970, was a significant force in late fourteenth-century Church and society. As a small child Catherine adopted a fierce asceticism, determined never to marry so that she might belong entirely to God. She eventually won entry into the lay Third Order of Saint Dominic and lived in almost total seclusion in her parents' home until, when she was about 20 years old, her intense and honest prayer led her to the realization that her love for God could no longer be divorced from service to others.

Catherine ministered at first to the poor and sick of the city, but her influence soon broadened to civic and ecclesiastical spheres as the power of her personality and her gift for conciliation were recognized. In her writings and preaching, until her death at the age of 33 in 1380, she fearlessly challenged the Church and the Dominican Order to a renewed fidelity to their mission. In a disjointed time of want, catastrophe, and political contention, she proclaimed the difficult truth that love for God is inseparable from justice and compassion.

We Racine Dominicans are proud to claim Catherine of Siena as our special patron.

Feel free to contact us for more information about becoming a sister.


Our Mission

Commitment to truth in the light of the Gospel compels us to consecrate whatever power we have, personally and as community, to sustain the fundamental right of every person to pursue the fullness of life and to share in the common good.

Today this stance demands an explicit solidarity in prayer, struggle and hope with people oppressed by systems that serve only the interests of the wealthy and advantaged. This perspective governs our every ministry, whether it is among the economically advantaged or the economically poor.  (Sisters of St. Dominic of St. Catherine of Siena Constitution - Article 8)

Historically, we were often associated with school ministries. In addition to teachers, school administrators and college professors, today our members are health care professionals, social workers, prison ministers, community organizers, environmentalists, counselors, administrators, cooks, pastoral ministers, artists, spiritual directors, musicians, peace activists, researchers, writers and more.

Contact us for more information on becoming a Racine Dominican.


Rooted in Truth and Justice

In the 13th century, St. Dominic by his example defied the common practice of his rich peers in the Church and lived among the poor to share the Word of God and work for justice.
St. Catherine of Siena, now recognized as a "Doctor of the Church," worked as a negotiator to mend differences in the Church. She was a mystic whose constant conversation with God permeated her relationships and her ministry.

Both St. Dominic and St. Catherine were risk-takers in their time. So, too, was Mother Maria Benedicta Bauer, who founded the Racine Dominicans in 1862. As prioress of the cloistered Bavarian community, she was the first to send women to the United States to minister. Mother Benedicta herself then came specifically to found a community committed to teaching immigrant children. That same risk-taking spirit continues through the Racine Dominicans' commitment to truth and justice in a contemporary world. 

At this time within the Church and global community, Racine Dominicans invite women to join them in community life, prayer, study, and ministry.

Feel free to contact us for more information on becoming a Racine Dominican.