Racine Dominicans Commitment to Social Justice
For many years, the primary focus of the Racine Dominicans was dedicated to the education of youth and the care of the elderly. The Vatican II Council called us to stretch far beyond these commitments. The collaboration of religious communities in Milwaukee led to the establishment of the Justice and Peace Center in the early 1970s. This center provided strong leadership in educating our members in the justice concerns of the 20th century.
Since then, our commitment to the poor and efforts to eradicate injustice have taken us to many parts of the country and beyond our U.S. borders. Our challenge in the new millennium is to address global issues and their linkages to all spheres of life and activity.
In Racine, we are involved in social work, parish ministry, efforts to assist the unemployed, the homeless, the homebound elderly, and those seeking health care, justice education and retreat opportunities.
In carrying out the Racine Dominican mission, "Committed to Truth, Compelled to Justice," each Sister and Associate strives to integrate study, prayer and action. We enjoy collaborative efforts with many local and national groups, as well as worldwide networks, dedicated to similar goals.
The Racine Dominican Sisters and Associates Justice Team provides a forum to formally address key issues of human rights, social and economic justice, and care for Earth and Church.