Celebrating 75 Years
S. Cecile Boehmer was born in Madison, WI. She received a Bachelor’s Degree in Education from the College of St. Catherine in St. Paul, MN, a Master’s Degree from Notre Dame and a Ph.D. from UW-Milwaukee. She was an elementary, high school and college teacher for nearly 50 years at schools in Wisconsin, Michigan and New Mexico, including St. Mary and St. Sebastian in Racine. She played in the Siena Orchestra and was a longtime Racine Zoo volunteer.
S. Bernadine Pohl (S. Bernita) was born in Fowler, MI. She received a Bachelor’s Degree in Education from Dominican College in Racine and a Master’s Degree in Education from the University of Wisconsin-Platteville. She was a teacher for more than 25 years at schools in Wisconsin and Michigan, including St. Rita, St. Mary and Holy Name in Racine. She also served a nursing assistant, pastoral minister and hospital chaplain. S. Bernadine has been a lifelong parish volunteer and taught English as a Second Language.
In lieu of a video, S. Bernie would like to share this reflection on her ministry: “My years in ministry include teaching, nursing, visiting the homebound, pastoral associate, hospital chaplaincy, and hospice spiritual counsel. I hope my presence helped them approach life and death without fear and with an unfailing trust in God who loves them.”
Celebrating 70 Years
S. Rose Marie Anthony (S. James Marie) was born in Detroit, MI. She received a Bachelor’s Degree in Education from Dominican College in Racine and a Master’s Degree in Education from Marquette University in Milwaukee. She taught in schools in Wisconsin and Michigan for more than 40 years, including Holy Name in Racine. S. Rose Marie also taught at Alverno College in Milwaukee. She was also the Children’s Program Director for the Oak Creek Public Library and the librarian at several Catholic Schools.
S. Kathleen Bohn (S. Marie Raymond) was born in Racine, WI. She received a Bachelor’s Degree in Education from Dominican College in Racine, and a Master’s Degree from Loras College in Dubuque, IA. S. Kathleen taught at schools throughout Wisconsin, including St. Rita and Holy Name in Racine. She was also involved in religious education and pastoral ministry for several parishes. S. Kathleen also served at the Siena Retreat Center as the Associate Director of Programming.
S. Mary Ann Pohl (S. Bernard Ann) was born in Fowler, MI. She attended classes at Aquinas College in Michigan and Dominican College in Racine, and received her L.P.N. from Kenosha Technical College. S. Mary Ann worked in the dietary departments of Villa St. Ann in Oconomowoc, St. Catherine Convent in Racine and St. Clement Convent in Center Line, Michigan. She served as an LPN for many years at St. Mary’s Hospital in Racine and was also a Healthcare Assistant for her fellow Sisters.
In lieu of a video, S. Mary Ann would like to share this verse with you: “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” John 15:12
S. Alice Pittz (S. Aloysius) was born in Dodgeville, WI. She received a Bachelor’s Degree in Education from Dominican College in Racine, and Master’s Degrees in Education and Religious Studies from St. Louis University. She was a teacher at schools in Wisconsin and Michigan for more than 16 years, including St. Rita and St. Patrick in Racine. She then moved into Parish Ministry, including Religious Education and Pastoral Care. S. Alice also trained and became a Chaplain at Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee.
S. Alice McCormick (S. Dennis) was born in Appleton, WI. She received a Bachelor’s Degree in Education from Dominican College in Racine. She was a teacher for nearly 15 years in schools throughout Wisconsin, including St. Joseph and St. Catherine’s High School in Racine. After teaching, she worked as a legal secretary for Constantine, Christensen and Krohn, S.C. in Racine for nearly 20 years. She also worked in the Finance office for the Racine Dominicans.
S. Jean Ackerman (S. Philip Marie) was born in Valley City, ND. She received a Bachelor’s Degree from Dominican College in Racine and a Master’s Degree from the American Conservatory of Music in Chicago, IL. S. Jean had a lifelong passion for music and teaching. She was a music teacher, parish musician, liturgist and music minister at schools throughout Wisconsin, Tennessee, Virginia and Minnesota for more than 50 years, including serving as a Campus Minister at Vanderbilt University and Virginia Commonwealth University. She was also President of the Racine Dominicans.
Celebrating 60 Years
S. Dorothy LeNoble (S. Germaine) was born in Little Chute, WI. She received a Bachelor’s Degree from Dominican College in Racine and an Associate Degree from Fox Valley Technical College in Appleton. She was a teacher for more than 16 years at schools throughout Wisconsin and Michigan. After teaching, she worked as an Assistant Administrator at Our Lady of the Oaks in Pewaukee and then worked as a bookkeeper and accountant. She was a volunteer for the Senior Companion Program for many years.
S. Jean Ferstl (S. Vincent) was born in Plain, WI. She received a Bachelor’s Degree from Dominican College in Racine and a Master’s Degree from Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT. She was a teacher for more than 18 years at St. Catherine’s High School in Racine. She then transitioned into Parish Ministry, locally at St. Rose. S. Jean served in Leadership for the Racine Dominicans as a Vice President and ran the Sponsorship Office. She was also a volunteer at the Eco-justice Center.
S. Anne Morehouse (S. Cajetan) was born in Madison, WI. She received a Bachelor’s Degree in Education from Dominican College in Racine. She was a teacher for more than 22 years in schools throughout Wisconsin, including St. Mary, Stephen Bull and Mitchell Elementary in Racine. She also taught in the Menomonee Indian School District in Keshena, WI before working in Pastoral Ministry for Native Americans in the Diocese of Marquette, MI. S. Anne was the Executive Director of Bethany Apartments in Racine and the Vocations Director for the Sisters. She also ran the Siena Card Shop for many years.
S. Karen Vollmer (S. Annuncia) was born in Joliet, IL. She received a Bachelor’s Degree from Dominican College in Racine, Master’s Degrees from Mundelein College in Chicago, IL and Regis College in Denver, CO, and a Doctor of Ministry degree from the Graduate Theological Foundation. She has a passion for faith education and was a teacher and religious education teacher in schools throughout Wisconsin and Michigan for more than 22 years, including Holy Name and St. Catherine’s High School in Racine. S. Karen also worked in pastoral ministry and faith formation for many years before becoming the Racine Dominican Vocations Director.